The Community Hall in Great Denham has recently installed over 70 solar panels to help reduce bills and to contribute to our Net Zero Goals.
Earlier this summer, Richard joined local Councillor Jim Weir and members of the Parish Council to inspect the new power system including the storage batteries and details about their efficiency.
Richard Fuller MP said:
Great Denham is a large and growing community and the hall is used extensively by local groups. It has been able to take this major step, but I am interested in how we can enable other Parish Halls adapt to climate change.
Few Parish Halls are as modern as that in Great Denham and some are listed buildings. I have met with Historic England to keep abreast of how they are helping listed buildings adapt, but I fear that more needs to be done. If you know of a local Parish Hall that is looking to adapt away from fossil fuels but finding this difficult, please get in touch.