With a proposed 2,000 acre solar farm in the North of Richard's constituency causing concern to a number of local residents, Richard took the opportunity to ask for confirmation that large scale solar farm developments should not be sited on 'best and most versatile' agricultural land and that field surveys will not be permitted to downgrade agricultural land classifications.
Richard's question to the Minister and his reply can be watched here: https://youtu.be/u5UcycF3cAk
Richard Fuller MP said:
Paragraph 3.10.14 of the National Policy Framework Statement EN-3 states that new solar farms should avoid the use of “‘best and most versatile’ agricultural land where possible”, using the designations of the agricultural land classifications. Concerns have been raised that field surveys can artificially downgrade land. I asked the Minister if the government and the planning inspectorate will be vigilant in protecting best and most versatile land and in ensuring the integrity of land classification.
The Minister replied that planning policy and guidance encourage large solar projects to locate on previously developed or lower value land and that the government will be vigilant in ensuring that those principles are respected.
Since being contacted in October by RNA Energy Ltd about their plans for a large solar farm between Keysoe, Little Staughton and Pertenhall, Richard has met with the Parish Councils directly affected by the proposals and RNA Energy itself.